Saturday, November 19, 2011

My first post

I want to talk about Thundercats!

I want all of the Thundercat dolls, because I want to play with them.  It would be fun to play with them.  They would be friends with all of my dolls!

I love Thundercats because they rescue people and fight mean people.

My favorite Thundercat is Cheetara.  She can run so fast, like a cheetah.  I love running fast, like when you swing, so fast. 

I also want to talk about feeling sick.

I have been sick this week.  It does not feel so good.  Jag har ont i halsen och ont i magen.  I did not go to school very much, and I feel sad, because I wanted to see my friends and the teachers.

I cannot use my wand to make me feel better and make me at school right away.  Because it is just a play wand.  All of my wands are play wands.

I can't even say, "Abracadabra, hocus pocus," and then be right there right there with my mom, whenever I want, because it is a play wand.


  1. Awh. =( Sorry you have been sick! Hope you feel better soon.

    Auntie Mary

  2. I am sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. I hope you are better soon.

  3. Hi Ravenna I really like your blog. I stopped by and fed your fish :)

  4. Hej Ravenna, Kul att du startat en blogg.
    Rolf matade fiskarna medetsamma.
    Vi kan inte så mycket om Thundercats men tycker att Lionel är bra.

    / Rolf och Eva

  5. awwww, hope you're feeling better, Ravenna! What Thundercat and toys do you have? I've seen the new Thunder-O toy, and some of the older ones. Have they started making new versions of all the other Thundercats too??
