Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Like Kittens

It was very nice for me that three people wrote me some notes on my first post.  That made me feel good.  I am glad some of them figured out how to feed the fish here because my fish are always hungry so we always have to give them food.

I like to be kittens and bigger sister kittens.  And I like to be brother kittens and mommy kittens and daddy kittens.  Because they are fun to be.  And I can say, "Meow!" or "Mew!".  Kittens like to play around.  So I play around when I am a kitten.  And kittens like very much attention, so I try to get very much attention when I am a kitten.

1 comment:

  1. Vi tycker också om katter och det är kul när du leker katt.
    Hoppas du mår bättre idag.
