Saturday, January 28, 2012


And Thundercats.

Well, first, Thundercats.  Today my favorite Thundercat is Panthro and Cheetara, Lion-O, and Tygra.  Because Cheetara is so fast, and Panthro is so strong, and it's so fun when Tygra whips with his whip so that he will be invisible, and I really like the Sword of Omens because the Sword of Omens can do so many magic tricks, and I like Lion-O that much because he's so cool.

Next I am going to write about snow.  I have really been longing for snow.  I am really glad that we have snow because we can make snow angels and snow castles and snow men and so much nice stuff to do in the snow.  There is some snow and a lot of ice.  I really don't like when it is that icy.

That is all I'm going to say.  Bye bye!